Work examples

Brand strategy

My work in the Marketing, UX, and Product realms has evolved my expertise in Brand Strategy. At its core, branding is about a company’s reputation journey—it starts conceptually with a core identity, evolves with a visual identity, and demands continuous evaluation and adaptation based on customer and user feedback.

Here are three examples of brands which I’ve helped at different stages of their branding journeys:

A brand & visual system that made Perin Health $800k

As a creative consultant, I led Perin Health Devices’ brand strategy, building a compelling identity for their wearable health monitoring technology. They required an impactful brand resonating with customers and investors alike, paired with a flexible visual system for product interfaces and marketing. I guided Perin’s core identity positioning by facilitating an identity workshop, and then refined visuals to match. The results: a consistent, scalable design system which reflected Perin’s authentic brand purpose.

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Visual systems at CareRev

At CareRev, maintaining brand consistency across our digital products was essential. I led the creation of our first Design System to bridge the gaps between brand designers, product designers, and our front-end engineer partners. By providing the simplest of tokens—color and typography—we enabled seamless collaboration and streamlined the process of ensuring consistency.

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Global repositioning for Genius Sports

In late 2017, Genius Sports—a sports data organization based in Europe—was ready for global expansion. I joined its new User Experience department as a visual designer, helping to lead the charge to update the company’s visual identity for global audiences. Our team of designers across the Americas worked together to analyze Genius Sports’ competitive positioning, and update visual identity assets such as their outdated logo, color palette, sports imagery, and localized website. I would eventually use this refreshed identity to create digital advertisements, experiential marketing at some of the largest sports conferences in the world, and digital products to harness the power of our data for clients and partners.

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Workshop facilitation


Product design